MASCOM Alphacrypt Classic PRO
značka: Mascom
Hodnotenie : Zatial nebolo hodnotené - Ohodnoťte produkt teraz !
Cena za kus: 147,60 € | |
Cena bez DPH: 120,00 € | |
celková cena : Cena vrátane 20% DPH |
147,60 € |
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Modul MASCOM Alphacrypt Classic PRO , ( Irdeto , Conax 4/7 )
SW verzia 3.28 PRO
HW verzia 2.2
AlphaCrypt PRO modul podporuje otvorenie až do 7 služieb s maximálnym počtom 16 elementárnych streamov.
Profesionálne použitie:
- Hlavné stanice, operátori káblovej TV a iné
AlphaCrypt PRO podporuje nasledujúce štandardy :
- Irdeto
- Cryptoworks
- Conax
- AlphaCrypt
- Betacrypt
- V-Code-System
+ viac profesinálnych funckii
The professional module has more stability and CPU resources, because some services, which are not needed for head end systems (like parental control by EIT and other background applications for customer functions) are permanently disabled.
Additional for all CA systems, which does not support the disabling of parental control by simple changing the smartcard parameters, an internal mechanism always unlocks the services , so that parental rated channels can be decoded in head end systems without user dialogues. For example, in some german head end systems, which decodes the Cryptoworks Arena channels, such a function is necessary, because the german Arena smartcards does not support the disabling of maturity rating.